The 28th Delhi Book Fair 2024

A posts on the crowds, books and my experiences of The Delhi Book Fair 2024.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Picture of the Week #02 - Pamban Bridge

  Picture taken from the Pamban Road Bridge (Picture © Rohan A Singh) ..........

Windows 8 Launch Event (New Delhi)

Yesterday, October 25th, Microsoft invited your author to the launch party of Window 8. It was a gala event where Microsoft left no stone unturned to make it look spectacular.. From hosting the launch party at the city's no 1 hotel to inviting famous TV personalities to explain the salient features of Windows to serving a lavish buffet to lovely dance performances by beautiful artists.. Everything was done in style. So what makes Windows ...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Chittaranjan Park (Bengali Quarters of Delhi) during Durga Puja

 Last evening I was at Chittaranjan Park (the Bengali Quarters of New Delhi) to witness the Durga Puja (Festival of the Goddess Durga). This festival is celebrated to mark the victory of Goddess Durga over the evil demon Mahisasura. So this festival is celebrated to mark the victory of 'Good over Evil'. During Durga Puja Chittaranjan Park is in an almost carnival type atmosphere. I visited the Puja Pandal (A temporary structure built to venerate...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Picture of the Week #01 - Taj Mahal

Picture © Rohan A Singh .........

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Interactive Session with Travel Writer Monisha Rajesh

The invitation poster for the event. (Clockwise from Left - Book Cover for the India Edition, Author of the book, Description of the book.) Image Courtesy - Roli Books (Nandini Vaish) In the pleasant evening of October 5 an interactive session, with London based Travel Writer Monisha Rajesh, was organised at Kunzum Travel Cafe. She is an experienced writer who has just come out with a new book called Around India in 80 Trains. She has also...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Qualcomm Snapdragon Photo Tips Session and Photo Walk

  Participants (at the base of the monument) photographing the Shish Gumbad Last weekend (Sept 29 and 30), a two day event was organised by Qualcomm Snapdragon and Kunzum Travel Cafe in which ace photographers, professional bloggers and travelers were invited for a special weekend to discuss photography and also have a photo walk in the Lodi Gardens, New Delhi the next day.  The group of participants (which included accomplished...