The 28th Delhi Book Fair 2024

A posts on the crowds, books and my experiences of The Delhi Book Fair 2024.


Friday, August 16, 2024

Tarikhstan Podcast #3 - Tomb of Muhammad Shah Sayyid

Delhi has many beautiful gardens. Lodi Gardens is one of the famous gardens of Delhi. It has many old and beautiful monuments. They are all hundreds of years old.One of them is the Tomb of Mohammad Shah Sayyid. He was once, the Sultan of Delhi.This beautiful tomb was built by his son in 1445 CE. His name was Alam Shah Sayyid. The design of this monument is very interesting. In this video I explain to you, why this monument can't be missed!....

Monday, August 12, 2024

The 28th Delhi Book Fair 2024

This Sunday I visited the 28th Delhi Book Fair (and Stationery Fair) 2024 after so many years! I visited this fair for the first time after Covid pandemic. Even though it is the poorer cousin of the World Book Fair (which happens in February), I have always had a soft corner for the Delhi Book Fair (which happens in August) as it is a much local affair. Local booksellers come here more than national level booksellers and government institutions....

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Mumbai, in November - Via my Camera

 I had an opportunity to visit Mumbai in November for Work. So, took some time off to cover some of the important sites of the city, which is the financial capital of India.Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus - The Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (formerly known as Victoria Terminus), a World Heritage Site, under lights. It is an incredible railway station and the building is palatial. One cannot think about Mumbai and not think...

Monday, October 24, 2022

The Tarikhstan Podcast Episode #2: Satpula Dam aur Diwali.. Ek Kareebi Rishta.. As per Sir Syed's Asar us Sanadid.. (Hindi)

The second Podcast was in video form and covered the Medieval Era dam of Delhi, known as Satpula (Const 14th Century CE). It belonged to the Delhi Sultanate Era. I read from Sir Syed Ahmed Khan's book Asar us Sanadid (Urdu) in which he writes about the Satpula dam, as he saw it, in 1850s CE...The Tarikhstan Podcast Episode 2 (formerly Historian Rohan Podcast).......

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Tarikhstan Podcast Ep. 1 - Gandhi, Savarkar and Communalism in India (w/ Thanmaya P.)

 I did a podcast on my alternate channel and am sharing the link with you. When I am not Traveling to historical monuments I am talking about history. Historian Rohan is my alternate handle. The Historian Rohan Podcast Episode #1. Topic: Mahatma Gandhi, Vir Savarkar and Communalism in India (with Thanmaya Prakash)...The Tarikhstan Podcast (formerly Historian Rohan Podcast) Episode #1.......

Monday, June 14, 2021

Sketch of a Teacher (Professor Rizwan Qaiser): II

On 6th May 2021 this blogger, along with 2 former batchmates (Mr. Jitendra Singh and Ms. Sabira Fatimi), organized a condolence meet on Zoom in honor of Professor Rizwan Qaiser, for the benefit of MA Batch (2015-17). These are the excerpts of what he spoke in the meet -This image of Sir was clicked by one of my batchmates at the Stupa of Sanchi.‘Sketch of a Teacher’M S Dhoni once said that he preferred cricketers coming from small towns as they understand...

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sketch of a Teacher (Professor Rizwan Qaiser) : I

Professor Rizwan Qaiser passed away recently. He was a scholar of Modern Indian History. The Pandemic claimed him. He is survived by his wife and son. He will be missed.--------With Sir, and my batchmates, at Bhimbetaka CavesSo, why is this blogger of heritage travel writing about a professor of Modern Indian history? Why is this inquirer of Medieval (Pre-Modern) Indian history writing about a professor whose teachings revolved around Indian Nationalism...