The 28th Delhi Book Fair 2024

A posts on the crowds, books and my experiences of The Delhi Book Fair 2024.


Monday, June 14, 2021

Sketch of a Teacher (Professor Rizwan Qaiser): II

On 6th May 2021 this blogger, along with 2 former batchmates (Mr. Jitendra Singh and Ms. Sabira Fatimi), organized a condolence meet on Zoom in honor of Professor Rizwan Qaiser, for the benefit of MA Batch (2015-17). These are the excerpts of what he spoke in the meet -This image of Sir was clicked by one of my batchmates at the Stupa of Sanchi.‘Sketch of a Teacher’M S Dhoni once said that he preferred cricketers coming from small towns as they understand...

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sketch of a Teacher (Professor Rizwan Qaiser) : I

Professor Rizwan Qaiser passed away recently. He was a scholar of Modern Indian History. The Pandemic claimed him. He is survived by his wife and son. He will be missed.--------With Sir, and my batchmates, at Bhimbetaka CavesSo, why is this blogger of heritage travel writing about a professor of Modern Indian history? Why is this inquirer of Medieval (Pre-Modern) Indian history writing about a professor whose teachings revolved around Indian Nationalism...

Monday, June 7, 2021

Remembering Professor Sunil Kumar

 Professor Sunil Kumar Professor Sunil Kumar passed away recently. He was 64. He was a specialist in the History of the Delhi Sultanate (Medieval Delhi). He had developed health complications. He is survived by his family. The blog and its author extend their heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.……..So, why is a heritage and off-beat travel blogger writing this piece? It is because along with this blog, which is 11 years old now,...

Friday, June 4, 2021

The Qutub Minar - An Emotional Perspective!

Some unemotional facts first. Qutub Minar is the tallest brick minaret in the world. It is more than 800 years old. It is located in Delhi, the capital of India. It's architectural concept is Central Asian in origin, something unique to India. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the second most visited monument in India, next only to the Taj Mahal.....So, what makes the Qutub Minar so special? Because it is 800 years old? Because of it's unique...